Javascript Closure βœπŸ½πŸ’‘


6 min read

Unveiling the Power of JavaScript Closures: A Comprehensive Guide

In the vast landscape of JavaScript programming, understanding closures is akin to unlocking a hidden treasure chest. Closures not only enrich your code but also empower you to craft elegant solutions to complex problems. In this comprehensive guide, I'll delve deep into the realm of closures, exploring their nuances and practical applications. So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on this enlightening journey!

Table of Content 🎯

  1. Introduction to Closures:

    • Shedding light on the essence of closures and their significance in JavaScript programming.
  2. Basic Example of Closures:

    • Demonstrating a simple example of closures to grasp their fundamental concept.
  3. Exploring Different Closure Scenarios:

    • Example-1: Assigning Function to a Variable.

    • Example-2: Passing Function as a Parameter.

    • Example-3: Returning a Function.

  4. Uses of Closures in JavaScript:

    • Unveiling the diverse applications of closures, from module design patterns to maintaining state in asynchronous environments.
  5. Disadvantages of Closures and Their Relation to Garbage Collection and Memory Leaks:

    • Delving into the potential pitfalls of closures and their impact on memory management.

Introduction to Closure πŸ”°

Closures means that a function binds together with its lexical environment. Function along with the lexical scope makes | forms a closure in JS

MDN Definition:- A closure is the combination of a function bundled together(enclosed) with references to its surrounding state(the lexical environment). In other words, a closure gives you access to another function's scope from an inner function. In JS, closures are created every time a function is created, at function creation time.

Basic Example

function outerFunction() {
  let outerVariable = 'I am from the outer function';

  function innerFunction() {

  return innerFunction;

const innerFunc = outerFunction();
innerFunction(); // Output: "I am from the outer function"

In this snippet, innerFunction has access to outerVariable even though it's executed outside outerFunction. That's the essence of closures!

Real-World🌎 Example: Managing a Store

Imagine you're developing an e-commerce platform. Each store has its own inventory and sales data. Let's model this scenario using closures.

function createStore(storeName) {
  let inventory = {};
  let sales = 0;

  function sellItem(item, quantity) {
    if (inventory[item] >= quantity) {
      inventory[item] -= quantity;
      sales += quantity;
      console.log(`${quantity} ${item}(s) sold from ${storeName}`);
    } else {
      console.log(`Insufficient stock in ${storeName}`);

  function restockItem(item, quantity) {
    if (inventory[item]) {
      inventory[item] += quantity;
    } else {
      inventory[item] = quantity;
    console.log(`${quantity} ${item}(s) restocked in ${storeName}`);

  function getSales() {
    console.log(`Total sales in ${storeName}: ${sales}`);

  return {

const store1 = createStore("Tech Emporium");
const store2 = createStore("Books 'n' More");

store1.restockItem("laptop", 10);
store1.sellItem("laptop", 3);
store1.getSales(); // Output: Total sales in Tech Emporium: 3

store2.restockItem("novels", 20);
store2.sellItem("novels", 15);
store2.getSales(); // Output: Total sales in Books 'n' More: 15

In this example, each store's data is encapsulated within its closure. This ensures data integrity and prevents interference between stores.

Exploring Different Closure Scenarios:

Closures in JavaScript exhibit diverse behaviors depending on how they are utilized. In this section, I'll delve into various closure scenarios, ranging from assigning functions to variables to nested functions returning functions. Additionally, I'll unravel corner cases and provide detailed explanations to solidify your understanding.

`Example-1: Assigning Function to a Variable`:-

// Assigning function to a variable
function x(){
    var a = 7;
    var b = function y(){

    b(); // Output: 7

In this example, the function y() is assigned to the variable b. Despite being assigned to a variable, y() retains access to the outer variable a, showcasing the power of closures.

`Example-2: Passing Function as a Parameter`:-

// Passing function as a parameter
function x(callback){
    var a = 7;
    callback(); // Output: 7

x(function y(){
    console.log(a); // Error: a is not defined

Here, y() is passed as a parameter to x(). However, y() cannot access the variable a defined in the outer function x(), illustrating the scope limitation of closures.

`Example-3: Returning a Function `:-

// Returning a function
function x(){
    var a = 7;
    function y(){
    return y;

var z = x();
z(); // Output: 7

In this scenario, y() is returned from x(), and then assigned to the variable z. When z() is invoked, it still retains access to the outer variable a, even though x() has finished execution.

`Example-4: Nested Function Returning a Function `:-

// Nested function returning a function
function x(){
    var a = 7;
    return function y(){

var z = x();
z(); // Output: 7

Similar to Example-3, y() is returned from x(), demonstrating that closures are formed even when functions are nested.

Uses of Closures in JavaScript:

Module Design Pattern --> Currying --> Function like Once --> memorize --> maintaining state in async world --> setTimeouts --> Iterators --> and many more!

Disadvantages of Closures and Their Relation to Garbage Collection and Memory Leaks:

  1. Memory Consumption: Closures retain references to their outer scope, including variables and functions. As a result, they can consume additional memory, especially when closures are nested or created dynamically.

  2. Scope Retention: Closures prevent variables from being garbage collected even when they're no longer needed. This can lead to memory bloat and degrade performance, particularly in long-running applications.

  3. Circular References: If closures form circular references, where a closure references an object that in turn references the closure, it can prevent both the closure and the object from being garbage collected, resulting in memory leaks.

  4. Performance Overhead: Due to their nature, closures incur a slight performance overhead compared to regular function calls, especially when dealing with nested closures or large closures.

    Relation to Garbage Collection and Memory Leaks:

    Garbage collection is a mechanism used by JavaScript engines to reclaim memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use. However, closures can interfere with garbage collection in several ways:

    1. Retained References: Closures retain references to variables in their outer scope, preventing them from being garbage collected even if they're no longer needed. This can lead to memory leaks if closures are not managed properly.

    2. Long-lived Closures: Closures can outlive their intended scope, keeping references to variables and preventing them from being garbage collected. This is particularly problematic in scenarios where closures are created dynamically and may persist longer than necessary.

    3. Event Handlers: Closures used as event handlers can inadvertently retain references to DOM elements or other objects, preventing them from being garbage collected even after they're removed from the DOM.

Mitigating Memory Leaks:

To mitigate the risk of memory leaks caused by closures, developers should follow best practices such as:

  • Avoiding Circular References: Be mindful of circular references between closures and objects to prevent memory leaks.

  • Limiting Closure Scope: Minimize the scope of closures and avoid creating unnecessary closures to reduce memory consumption.

  • Explicit Cleanup: Explicitly remove event listeners or other references created by closures when they're no longer needed to allow garbage collection to reclaim memory.

  • Memory Profiling: Regularly profile memory usage in your application to identify and address potential memory leaks caused by closures.